Energized. Resilient. Thriving.

Darwin said it 1st — It’s not the most intelligent that survive, but those most responsive to change.


Thrive Through Change.

It’s people, not scale or technology, that determine a company’s agility.

Whether it’s a re-org, pandemic, or general stress, most people struggle through change. Fortunately, there’s a science to building resilience and preventing burnout. Informed by a decade of strategy consulting plus years of teaching a Masters course in Managing Change & Org Health, Giselle provides workshops and consulting to equip employees to better thrive through change.


Work Wellbeing Labs.

Wellbeing and preventing burnout is a team sport.

Giselle has pioneered the application of positive psychology in organizations for 15+ years. She equips leaders and their teams with the perspective, tools, strategies, and discussion guides for better managing workplace wellbeing. Team members increase their capacity and confidence to thrive and be resilient.


Client Partners

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“We were proud of the culture we’d build and my management team wanted insights and strategies to protect what we had and to grow well. We used Positive Work’s culture assessment to align on which aspects of culture to prioritize as we went from #4 to #1 in the market during Russia’s occupation of our country.”

— Boris Pozdnyakov, CEO, Team 247

“We know that each person has hidden potential and our leadership is taking care to rediscover this potential, which is really helping to make the corporate culture flourish.”

— Managing Director, marketing group

I liked that we got a series of strategies to help us deal with the different phases of change we might be facing in many aspects of life. It was easy to understand how I can help others get to a ‘thriver’s mindset’ for the change we are going through.”

— HR manager, e-commerce company